Thursday, 19 July 2007

World War Two Memories

This video was inspired by our World War Two Day when Grandparents were invited to talk to the children about their experiences and memories of World War Two. Ed Knight's grandad, Mr Hazel, was unable to join us for the day so Ed decided to interview him at home, recording it to share with everyone else. (Ed apologises for the creaking noise on the film - the video camera hadn't been used for a while)

Below are the photos of our day which show a real rapport between the children and grandparents. The children and staff all came dressed in appropriate World War two style clothes, complete with boxes for gas masks and evacuation labels. Rob and Roland also joined us from Plymouth City Museum with artefacts of WW2 and photographs of Plymouth during the War. Did you know that Plymouth was among the worst bombed cities in UK during World War Two. Can you find out why this might have been the case? Why would the Germans reduce the City of Plymouth to rubble?

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A great day was had by all - and we had the best weather all term!


Anonymous said...

very interestng about world war 2.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting info about world war 2!!! i think your work is very good!!!

Sam :)

Anonymous said...

I like your shcool hats.And you are luky because you get to where
mufty and we have to where shcool yuniform and we have to where red and green yuniform allso greenjummpers.