Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Dimdim Success

Today saw the first sessions for our Stock Exchange competition. The sessions were led by David Kinane offering his expertise on web queries in Excel. The children could hear and see David via our free Skype video call and they could see his desktop using the shared desktop feature of Dimdim once we had all joined his meeting.

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David explained the challenge for the students over the coming weeks, made more difficult in the current stock market climate!! We are looking to see which school (exchange) has the best trader, making the greatest percentage gain on their initial investments (virtual not real).

The session included using Google Finance to look at stock performances over a period of time. The children soon noticed the downward trend in stocks recently!

The web link for linking to Excel was from importing the data from the FTSE 100.

Our sessions will continue next week after the children have researched stocks as possible investments.

You can read David's perspective on his blog, Turning the Supertanker


Kevin Micalizzi said...


Thanks for sharing this and I hope you are feeling better.

This sounds like a fantastic experience for your students, please share your future sessions, I can't wait to hear about them.


Kevin Micalizzi, Community Manager
Dimdim Web Conferencing
twitter: @dimdim

D A Kinane said...

It was a great evening, it ended late for me, but I was thrilled to be able to show students how to use a piece of software remotely. Dimdim allowed us to share my desktop in New Zealand with 33 students in the UK, the time lag was not too long and has proved that this kind of remote teaching of skills is entirely possible and practical.

Helen Hardie said...

The children here just accepted this lesson from David as the norm - true digital natives! The adults in the room are the ones watching mouth open as we hear and see David showing us via dimdim what to do! This was great start to our project and we are looking foreard to next week.

Anonymous said...

nice and thanks.