Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Global Warming Posters

Year 4 students at Woodford have been learning about explanatory texts. This was also linked to our Geography work on Climate Change. We used the skills learnt from Mr Kinane in our last inkscape sessions to design a poster which would explain Global Warming. This task allowed us to combine a range of curriculum subjects, showing our understanding of explanatory texts, our knowldege of the effects of Global Warming and our ICT and design skills. We started by creating a background image. This was locked and a new layer added before we added our explanatory texts. Completed posters are going to be displayed around the school as part of our EcoSchools project.

The slideshow below shows some completed posters as well as some work in progress.

1 comment:

Marnie said...

Hi Woodford - I am so impressed with your graphic design skills. I know Inkscape is a really tricky programme because I learnt how to use it last year from Mr Kinane as well! I like the idea of making posters about global warming to keep your school community informed. Keep up the hard work on inkscape and the clever thinking about ways to improve the world!!